After installation, copy the wave file ilbeback.wav to your windows directory. This is a small utitlity written with visual basic 3.0 that puts a small round window in the lower right corner of the desktop. If you click on the picture of the terminatior, a toolbar extends upward that allows instant access to windows utitlities. Double click between the icons to change the color of the toolbar, this makes it look better because the icons then appear to be attached to the desktop. Click the next picture to retract the toolbar. Very Nice... Note: All of the icons and programs are preset and cannot be changed, which should not be a problem with two execptions; 1. File manager is preset for window 3.11 (winfile.exe-not fileman.exe) try renaming fileman.exe to winfile.exe 2. The icon of ross perot is preset for msmoney, if you do not have this program, it will cause an error and kill the program. If you would like a custom toolbar created leave me e-mail with a list of your programs and filenames (including directories) and I will create it for $10. E-Mail me at Compuserve 75034,471 P.S. Persons will ask "Why didn't you include a system to customize the toolbar so I can assign my own programs and icons?" Answer: Because people DO NOT respect the shareware concept and probably would never pay me for my time and efforts.